Peace River Canoe Brigade
Passing the Paddle – July 23 to 28
We are happy to announce that pre-registration is open for the Peace River Brigade, June 23 to 28, 2022. The pre-registration is to identify the number of people interested in doing the brigade this summer as either a team crew with access to their own boat or unattached paddlers without a boat looking to join a crew.
Pre-registration and the follow up final registration are being done through the Canadian Voyager Brigade Society. The links copied below are for Zone 4 which is managing the electronic registrations for CVBS. There is no cost for pre-registration. Once total number of paddlers and boats are confirmed and final budgets set, the payments will be due at final registration.
Please read the information included in the pre-registration process. It will answer many questions you may have about the brigade. If you have other questions you can email us at;
We look forward to paddling with you this summer!
Stewart & Juliette Inglis
Pre-registration for Teams: asp?id=28618
Pre-registration for Unattached Paddlers: reg.asp?id=28726
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