The East Wind Brigade
Contact; Jean Castonguay <>
The EastWind Ottawa Brigade is part of the The Four Winds Sesquicentennial Brigades, a series of 4 brigades, one from the west, one from the north, one from the east, and one from the south, each with Victoria Island (Asinabke) in the Ottawa River at the foot of the parliament buildings as its final destination. The date of arrival is presently planned for Canada Day, (Saturday, July 1).
Victoria Island (Asinabke) is an ideal final destination as it is sacred Algonquin territory, and has been a traditional meeting place for First Nations for over 5,000 years. It is also the site where industry first began in what was to become the national capital of Canada.
The summer of 2017 offers us a unique opportunity to re-live a period of our history to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Canada.
Join our Voyageur Canoe Brigade to re-trace the fur trade route on the mighty Ottawa River. We will begin our journey at the trading post of Lachine (Montreal). As we paddle up the Ottawa River for 7 days, we will experience the life of the coureurs de bois and the Voyageurs. We will pass by beautiful scenery, the same hills and rivers that the coureurs de bois and Voyageurs paddled by centuries ago. Our arrival will be at a site steeped in history, Victoria island (Asinablke) located in the heart of Ottawa, which today still is an important spiritual centre for the Algonquin People.
Immerse yourself in our history…come paddle with us.
L’été 2017 nous offre une opportunité de récréer un moment de notre histoire pour commémorer les 150 ans du Canada.
Joignez-vous à notre brigade de canot voyageur pour refaire la route du commerce de la Fourrure sur la Rivière des Outaouais. Nous nous embarquerons au poste de traite de Lachine (Montréal) pour vivre à la façon des coureurs de bois de l’époque et nous remonterons la rivière des Outaouais pendant 7 jours. Cette semaine sera ponctuée de paysage magnifique mais surtout d’expérience humaine qui nous fera vivre notre histoire et le quotidien de ces courageux coureurs des bois. Notre arrivée se fera sur un site chargé d’histoire, l’ïle Victoria sise au cœur d’Ottawa qui encore aujourd’hui transmet sont rôle important tant dans la vie des Algonquiens que des commerçants de la traite de la fourrure.
Soyez de ceux qui marquerons ce passage de notre histoire
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