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Unattached Paddler Registration
Canoe Crew Registration (for Crew Leaders only)
2017 CVBS Participant Membership
Dates : June 13-18, 2017 Latest NewsLetter: January News Letter SCJ
West Vancouver.
cooperation and paddling culture up and down the Sunshine Coast.
will arrange for a replica of a native or Voyageur “big canoe” of 22 to 36 feet, which will normally be
crewed by 5-10 paddlers at a time. Crews will normally carry a compliment of 9-12 members, with
the non-paddlers of each shift looking after camp and travel chores. Normally paddling and support
chores are equally shared by all crew members, and as in past years full crews of 12 paddlers,
members normally paddle approximately a ½ day shift, each day. In smaller crews, some members
may be able to paddle, or may have to paddle, all day on some days.
SUPs) to join us for two portions of this brigade. In the lower Sechelt Inlet around Porpoise Bay and in
Gibsons Harbour and around Keats Island.
registering crews and paddlers, assuring the Safety Plan is followed, booking camp sites, coordinating
events with the local communities and facility operators. The Brigade organizers will assist individual
paddlers in finding crews to paddle with, and will assist small crews with finding additional paddlers.
assembling and registering their crews, arranging transportation for the crews throughout the
brigade, providing paddling gear, camp gear and group cooking supplies and gear.
Sunshine Coast Canoe Journey also have responsibilities: first to find a crew to join, or to assist in
forming in a crew. Then each individual participants most do their best to help share the crew work
load, whether in the preparations for the brigade, in paddling on the brigade, in camp, or providing
support when not paddling; or helping the crew to contribute to the overall success of the brigade
with assigned brigade duties, such as clearing campsites and ensure they have been left in better
condition than found on arrival. Participants must also be diligent is submitting the required
paperwork (membership and waiver) and fees to and through their crew leader to the brigade
costs will vary by crew choices. Brigade Fees are based on crews of nine, crews with less than nine
will pay a premium per member. A final invoice for teams will be sent in early May after initial
registration is completed and deposits have been received, and final catering and campsite costs.
This brigade is being budgeted on break even basis, and at present individual fees will be
approximately $250 per participant for the full brigade. Paddlers should plan for their crew
transportation and ferry costs during the brigade, crew and personal food and entertainment
expenses during the brigade, and of course personal travel costs to and from the brigade, in addition
to the participant brigade fee. Any profits from this Journey will go to support native youth paddling
be accepted for the full journey. We ask that registration be submitted by April 1, 2017 for the full
brigade, and May 1 for the small boat events.
1 – The 2017 Sunshine Coast Journey is not a competitive event. The canoe brigade will be expected
to travel en masse every day, following a lead canoe and forward of a sweeper canoe.
2 – Brigade leadership during the event will be shared between crews. Crew Leaders will share the
daily chore of Brigade Governor, and crew members the brigade chores of “first arrival at next camp”,
en route signage for ground crews, and “last to depart” camp chores.
3 – Ground Crew volunteers – some crews in past brigades have been so fortunate as to have their
own support volunteers. These folk fully participate in all non-water activities and generally cost the
brigade the same as paddlers. Normally the brigade fee for such volunteers is paid for by the paddling
members of the crew so that there is no cost to the support volunteer(s). This is an important matter
for your crew to consider.
● 13 June. Muster in Egmont. Review protocols. Camp in Egmont.
● 14 June. Egmont to Sechelt via Skookumchuk. Lunch at Halfway Marine Park. Camp at SSC
Properties (30km)
● 15 June. Portage canoes across town. Day trip to local islands (20km) Lunch at Sargeant Bay.
Camp at SSC
● 16 June. Sechelt to Gibsons (27km). Lunch at Roberts Creek. Camp at Dougal Park
● 17 June. Day trip to local islands (26 km) Lunch at Keats. Camp at Dougal Park.
● 18 June. Gibsons to Ambleside in West Vancouver (35km). Lunch at Horseshoe Bay..
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