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CVBS Resources:
CVBS Seeding Policy
This policy outlines why and how a paddling Not-For-Profit may request funds to initiate a canoe brigade, or to acquire a big canoe and associated gear.
Aspects of running a brigade
These are the how-to write-ups that were used for previous brigades for people, teams and brigades.
Paddling resources
Historical resources
- The Life of David Thompson
- Canadian Canoe Museum
- Information About Trade Canoes
- Image of a Birchbark North Canoe
- The Bastard Canoe
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Where to get a North Canoe or bigger :)
In western Canada there are:
http://www.clippercanoes.com/big-canoes/ www.westerncanoekayak.com Clipper Canoes BC
http://hellmancanoes.com/the-voyageur/ Hellaman Canoe BC
http://www.fabrication-canot.com/eng/canoes-available.php Canots Rabaskas PQ